Bagenalstown Water Conservation Plan

Members of BIG undertook training in water conservation provided by CLDC. The training was delivered by Envirico and took place over five evenings, each training session lasting three hours. A site visit was included in the training programme. The participants also included a number of non-BIG members.

The training enabled the members to produce a Water Conservation Plan (WCP) for Bagenalstown. The plan is quite ambitious and includes the following elements;

  1. Dissemination of information on water conservation to whole community
  2. Engagement with all local schools in an action plan on water conservation
  3. Drought resistant planting in public areas
  4. River Barrow pollution survey
  5. Rainwater Harvesting

BIG then moved to the next stage in applying for funding to various bodies to help realise our goals. However, the most critical factor in the plan is community engagement. BIG will mobilise its existing community links as far as possible. There is huge scope for both projects (energy and water conservation) to widen BIG’s remit in the community and garner a whole new generation of community activists.

Community Water Development Fund

BIG successfully submitted an application to LAWPRO for funding under the Community Water Development Fund 2022 and has received €895. BIG intends to use the funding to achieve the following;

  •  Information leaflets will be distributed by committee members to all households in the community explaining why and how households can save water. The leaflets will also advertise the community information event.
  • The information event will feature an expert speaker on water conservation and invasive species.
  • BIG will collaborate with local secondary schools to involve students in the project.
  • BIG possesses twenty water butts. These will be distributed at the event to water ambassadors. The butts were funded by a successful application to Carlow County Council’s Community Enhancement Programme.
  • Monitor pollution in the Barrow using a boom. Secondary school students will lead and monitor this project.

The community information event is intended to achieve the following;

  • promote water conservation in the community
  • establish a Water Conservation sub-committee to implement BIG Water Conservation Management Plan
  • establish a Biodiversity Action Plan sub-committee to implement the actions in the BIG’s Biodiversity Action Plan 2021-2025
  • create an email list of local volunteers who can be called upon for practical conservation volunteering, such as removing invasive species.
  • examine the feasibility of removing invasive species along the Barrow
  • signage – install three timber information posts along the Barrow Riverside Walk highlighting natural, built and cultural heritage.

Separate, yet additional funding via LAWPRO funding under the Community Water Development Fund 2022, will enable quantities of water butts to be distributed and installed across our community from the community garden base. Participants on KCETB gardening courses will learn about water conservation and have the opportunity to install water butts in their homes, thanks to this funding.

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